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Galvanized Steel Pipe protected from rust2017-11-07 10:20:23
Galvanized Steel Pipe protected from rust

Galvanized Steel Pipe protected from rust

Galvanized rectangular tube is a hollow steel strip, also known as flat tube, flat square tube or flat tube. As the pipe conveying fluid, such as oil, gas, water, gas, steam, in addition, on the bending and torsional strength of the same, the weight is light, so it is widely used in the manufacture of machinery parts and engineering structures. Also used for production of various conventional weapons, artillery barrel, etc.

Galvanization is the process of adding a layer of zinc to steel, aluminum or iron in order to protect the material from rusting. Typically, this is done by the process of hot-dipping. Here, the metal gets completed coated in a very hot layer of zinc. The end result is a pipe or pipe fitter that is best protected from rust.

How does galvanization protect my pipe supplies?

Galvanizing pipes and fitters can provide that extra layer of protection that can ultimately help your project in the long run. Material such as steel or aluminum can easily rust. The extra layer of zinc added during the galvanization process can make your pipes, fitters and valves much more resistant to rusting and corrosion. Not only will galvanized steel pipe rust much slower, but the zinc layer will also be the first to go if rusting does start to take place, further protecting your metal piping and allowing it to last much longer.